The Legend of the Sea Maiden
The old fisherman looked
forlornly at his dripping, empty net. Suddenly, a sea-maiden rose to the
surface of the sea.
“I will give you good fishing in return for your first born son,” said
Desperately hungry, the
fisherman eagerly consented. Soon a son was born to him, but he could not
give up the boy. A soothsayer said that to break the promise, the boy
would have to find the ghostly white deer that so many feared, slay it,
and break the golden egg hidden inside.
Years later, the son – now
a young man – went on a quest for the deer. The sea-maiden was angry, but
before she could push the old fisherman into the sea, the son slew the
deer and smashed the egg into a million pieces. The promise was broken and
the sea-maiden banished to the deep forever.

Legend Tin Box - Released

This Limited Edition Tin illustrates
an artist's interpretation of the Legend of the Sea Maiden.
Aged 8 Years Tin
Box - Released 2001
market only)

This Limited Edition Tin illustrates
an artist's interpretation of the Legend of the Sea Maiden.